New** Day Trading Robot. Watch The Video. Enuff' Said...
Watch Over My Shoulder As I Make $6082.60
Using My Automated Stock Trading Robot...
Click Here!
Read the amazing 'tell all' story... And discover how you too can earn $200, $300 or even $500+ each morning, with your own 'Automated Stock Trading Robot'!
The Desk of Jason Kelly
My name is Jason Kelly. I think you may want to call me as soon as you watch the video above and read this message... If so, my number is 641-715-3900.
You see the video above?Click Here!
It is live video of me making $6082.60 on a typical Tuesday morning. And it is undeniable PROOF that my stock trading 'Robot' works.
You'll see me logging into my brokerage account LIVE and turning $5,944.06 into $12,026.66 within just 24 hours.
If you would like to know about this stock trading robot... and how you too can earn $200, $300 or even $500+ each morning... Then this website may be the most important you will ever read.
Let Me Explain...
Picture yourself, sitting in front of your computer on a Monday morning. The stock market opens in 20 minutes and you turn on your PC.
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You open your own "Stock Trading Robot" and hit the button to start scanning. 14 minutes later the robot beeps and alerts you, that it has found a potentially profitable stock trade.
The robot reports:
Buy Stock TLLE At $0.13
You're online brokerage account is already open and you quickly buy 10,000 shares of TLLE (investing $1300).
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You patiently wait, and the next morning... the robot beeps again:
Sell TLLE AT $0.40+
Since TLLE is currently trading at $0.46, you pull up your online brokerage account and sell all your shares.
You just made $3,300... Within 24 hours of the stock being picked. Your work for the day is now done. And you are free to do whatever you like.
Click Here!
This kind of situation happens almost every day for the lucky few that have access to my stock trading robot.
In fact...
It actually takes me more time for me to drive to my local bank and get $1000 from the ATM than it does to make it using my automated robot.
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Make $134.00 Every Morning...
Free Tip Emailed Instantly!
Add your email address below... And I'll instantly send you a 2-step technique to making $134 every morning!
But before I tell you how you could get your own stock trading robot... Let me explain...
How This Robot Came About:
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You' see three years ago, I was hired as chief programmer for a small European hedge fund. The fund had just been given $2,000,000 in seed capital and intended to create some kind of software technology that could accurately predict the financial markets.
I was relocated to Switzerland where I was to lead a team of 3 developers, in a small office on the outskirts of Zurich.
This had never been accomplished before. No one in history has ever used computers to consistently beat the stock market.
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But this fund was in a special position...
The owner of the fund was a guy from California, called Dr. Robert Finn. Before starting the hedge fund, Robert was very wealthy but also very bored. He got rich (the first time) by starting a company in 1970 which he sold out to Coca-Cola just three years later in 1973.
As part of the deal, he had to sign a "non-compete" agreement with a duration of five years.
After that five years ended, he went back in business and built up another company which was soon acquired by the giant AMF Corporation.
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After that, Robert developed proprietary GPS tracking software for Palisade, Inc. ...and in the first year... they did $51 million in sales with that product.
And So On...
You get the idea. You' see this guy was a pioneer in the field of "Artificial Neural Networks" (more about those later). And this guy was even a professor of Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University.
And Robert used his pioneering university research... To build software for some of the world's largest corporations.
He helped Audi build the first computer system inside a car... His software was even used in the first email spam filters in 1999.
His Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence software had many thousands of commercial uses. And it had already made him extremely rich...
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This Guy Has A Mind That Just Won't Quit!
And at the age of 59, continuing his research at the University just bored this guy to tears. This time he wanted to use his research...
To build something truly amazing!
He wanted to use his artificial intelligence technology to build an automated "Stock Trading Robot"... That could accurately predict exactly what stocks were about to rocket in price.
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Let Me Explain...
Dr. Robert Finn is a pioneer in the research of "Artificial Neural Networks"... These networks act like an artificial brain.
At the "heart" of the robot is a database of chart patterns. These patterns are guarded heavily... And are even encrypted within the robot.
You' see... When a stock forms one of these stock patterns, they almost always rise... Usually within hours. And though most of these patterns only lead to 20 or 30% gains... They are extremely safe trades.
Just enough to...
Siphon Off $200, $300 or $500 a Time
You' see the robot doesn't go for the 'big one' by taking big risks. It only takes a 'little' - a few hundred dollars on each trade.
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And so... Each day, the robot downloads data from the stock market. The robot then uses this data to construct a chart of each stock... over the past 7 days.
These charts are then referenced against the encrypted trading patterns... Held in the robot's database.
If in the last 24 hours a stock has formed a price pattern, which matches one in the robots database...
Then the robot will start investigating that particular stock in more detail.
But where do we get these...
'Winning' Price Patterns?
Another major part of the team that developed this robot... Was a man called James Holt. He is one of the world's most successful day traders... And works for JPMorgan Asset Management.
Click Here!
James profits by up to $30,000 per day for the firm he works for... And was hired by Dr. Robert Finn to use his knowledge and experience to program the robot.
To do this, James made a set of videos. These videos show 23 specific techniques. Techniques that siphon money from the stock market with almost no risk.
James said he wouldn't even show his close family these videos... Because these 23 techniques were the keys to making thousands of dollars a day... (With almost no risk).
Because of this... James only entrusted me with knowing these trading patterns... None of the other programmers or managers at the hedge fund have seen the videos.
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And together... Me and James turned each video technique into an algorithm within the database that the robot could read. Each algorithm was then encrypted with SHA-2 level 512 bit encryption.
Why So Secretive?
These video's were used to duplicate James's knowledge into the artificial brain of the robot. Decades of work and experience James had put in...
And now...Click Here!
In effect, the robot trades... Just like James Holt... a world class day trader!
What's more, while doing all of this... The robot watches what pricing patterns lead to massive upwards swings in the stock price. If it see's a pricing pattern continuously producing large gains then it adds these patterns to its database.
And this is very important, you' see...
We Were Teaching The Robot How to Learn!
Using Dr. Robert Finn's research we were able to create a robot so advanced... That it actually learns more and more about the stock market as it is used.
Make $134.00 Every Morning...
Free Tip Emailed Instantly!
Add your email address below... And I'll instantly send you a 2-step technique to making $134 every morning!Click Here!
After roughly one month of continuous operation... This robot was smart enough to start trading. We let it start with an account balance of $10,000... And within 4 days it had turned that $10,000 into just under $19,000!
$9,000 Of Profit... On The First Run!
In fact, the robot became a huge success...
And within 8 months this small hedge fund used the robot and turned...
$2,000,000 into $16,567,000!
But... It was around this time... I was took to the managers office...
And Fired!Click Here!
The senior managers of the fund had decided they no longer required the programmers who actually developed the robot. The technology inside the robot was now far too valuable and needed to be safeguarded.
I travelled back to Canada, and spent 3 months searching for a new job.
I felt...
Cheated and Used!
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It proved extremely hard to find any job with a similar pay grade to what the fund had offered.
I decided I had to do something...
I still had a copy of the video showing the 23 trading techniques James had entrusted me with. So...
I called James and explained to him how I was looking for a way to make my own robot. And I wanted to use it myself on my home computer... managing a much smaller amount of capital.
Immediately... He suggested we attempt to use the robot on the "Penny Stock Market".
Listen: On the penny stock market, stocks swing in price massively. A stock trading at $0.10 could be $0.50 the next day... And that kind of price move is...
Not Unusual...
In Fact it Happens Almost Every Day!
This would mean, managing just $500 of capital... The robot could produce a good income. The penny stock market, would allow me to make much larger percentage gains (up to 400% in a single day)... But on much smaller amounts of capital (Usually under $10,000).Click Here!
Because of this... Profits using this robot would be nowhere near what the fund was able to make...
It would never be a robot that could make millions of dollars.
...But even if it could siphon off $200, $300 or $500 per day... This was a huge amount of money to me at the time.
So I got together with James... And we turned his small basement into our office. Excited at the thought of recreating the robot for ourelves we worked furiously.
Five months later...
We Personally Owned the Stock
Trading Robot's... 'Younger Brother'!
It was consistently profiting by $500 - $1000 each day (more than I had expected). Doing most of the work in the morning, just as the market opens.
Most often, I was able to wake up... use the robot and buy stocks at 9:37am and sell by 10:15am. Making up to one thousand dollars, before most people had even gotten to work!
In fact, I found it easier to use the robot to make $1000... Than to travel to the local ATM and take out the money from my own bank account!
How You Can Get Your Own
Stock Trading Robot...
Does having your own personal stock trading robot sound appealing to you?
Click Here!
Before you get too excited... There is good and bad news...
Firstly, the bad news...
A 1 Year License to Use This Robot...
Costs... $112,000!
And I make no apologies for that. This robot is still quietly making me $500, $1000 and even sometimes up to $6000 each day.
And at this price, I currently have 7 people licensing the robot.
Two of those 7 people, are high profile Wall Street traders... Who use the robot every day to supplement their income...
And so if you thought you'd be able to get your hands on this robot easily... I'm sorry, but that isn't going to happen.
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Although there is a way you...
Could Still be Able to Profit From the Robot.
You' see licensing this robot for such a high amount has given me a problem. Despite the fact it makes thousands of dollars per day... I've had a hard time convincing many people to spend $112,000 on a 1 year license.
(I've only convinced 7 people so far! But all of them a extremely happy they took that risk.)
And so I thought long and hard about what I could do to prove this robot is well worth the $112,000 licensing fee.
Here's what I came up with...
I've created a "Day Trading Robot" email newsletter. And every two weeks or so... I email the list a stock pick the robot has just chosen.
In fact... Just recently, had you already been a subscriber of my newsletter... You could have turned $200 into $1.2 Million!
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And all you needed to do, was place the last 7 stock trades I recommended. A combined 2 - 3 hours of "work"!
How? Let me show you...
Step # Company Your Cost Your Winnings
1 China Development Corp. $200 $914
2 NaviSite Inc. $914 $3,234
3 International Assets Holding Corp. $3,234 $7,688
4 Acorda Therapeutics Inc. $7,688 $56,621
5 Sirna Therapeutics Inc. $56,621 $111,154
6 HandHeld Entertainment Inc. $111,154 $548,408
7 Halozyme Therapeutics Inc. $548,408 $1,235,361.10
1. Note that during each phase, you can remove some of your profits and keep playing with "house money".
2. The above is based on actual gains from actual companies, arranged in chronological order.
Around $124,567 In Your Brokerage Account!
Now here's where it gets most interesting.
Because when I tell people about this story, they often expect the newsletter would cost:
$2000... $3000... A Year or More
But a membership to this exclusive email newsletter costs just $97. And you'll receive stock picks for as long as I run the newsletter (probably years).
Why so little?
Because this newsletter is the best kind of advertising available!
Thousands of people receive my stock picks every two weeks and witness returns consistently averaging 80%+. Most are consistently making hundreds and even thousands of dollars, every time a stock pick is released.
Which means of the thousands of people who receive my newsletter... I hope many will decide they want to own the robot themselves for $112,000!
And because of this $97 newsletter... the robot has already been featured in Business Week and the Wall Street Journal.
Now I don't want you to just take my word on all of this. I want you to take the word of people... "real" people... just like you... who have made, and continue to make, thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars from this newsletter.
Here's just a few of the emails my subscribers have sent me:
Click Here!
And you can even watch as I am interviewed live on the U.S. television show "Traders Nation" about my stock trading robot:
Interviewed Live on Television...
What you have just read so far, is an overview of what I believe, and obviously what others believe, is the most amazing, exciting and definitely one of the most profitable methods of making money in the stock market.
Will the "Day Trading Robot" newsletter help you? Will the stock picks continue to generate an average of 138.24% profit? Here's how you can find out without risking a single penny...
...Try The Robot's Stock Picks
Absolutely FREE For 8 Weeks!
If you decide to pay the $97 joining fee via check. I insist you postdate your check for 8 weeks in advance. Or if you decide to pay with credit card... At any point up to 8 weeks after joining you may email "support [at]" for a full refund.
As soon as you join, you will receive your "Welcome Package". This brief, and easy to follow PDF... Explains exactly how to buy and sell stocks online...
The very next Sunday you will receive your first stock pick!
After that, you've still got 7-1/2 more weeks... to place the trades and see for yourself if it is as profitable as I say it is.
Click Here!
If it isn't, you can simply stop payment on your check or, email me... and... I will be happy to send back your un-cashed check or refund your full joining fee. This way...
You Will Have Lost... Nothing!
Oh and by the way my small company "Day Trading Robot, Inc." is located at 8345 NW 66TH ST #2785, MIAMI FL 33166-2626. That's a couple of blocks from the Miami International Airport, and across the road from the beautiful Lehigh Lake. If you have any questions, you can email me on my customer only email address or call my office on 641-715-3900 (Extension: 5737152#).
If you'd like to stop by at my office, you can drive straight to Miami, Florida. My office is the building right on the corner. I invite all of my subscribers to pop by anytime they are in the area. Monday to Friday, normal working hours.
Joining is Easy...
Your Name:
Your E-mail:
P.S: There is no reason for you to leave this site empty handed. I'm so confident... You'll be making thousands of dollars on each stock pick... That if you're not happy within 8 weeks you can email me for a FULL refund.
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Friday, March 20, 2009
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